A minor point perhaps, but the camera is a Pentax K1000. Some of us first learned using that camera.

This painting stopped me in my tracks. It is riveting. It is beautiful: Ms Obama, the dress, the painting. And the strength in her pose and expression is nearly overpowering. A visit to this exhibit is worth it just for this piece, but there's so much more. Go!

Clyfford Still

Kim Whan-ki

Ellsworth Kelly

Beverly Pepper (B&W). My mother, in the sixties, made a metal sculpture that I'm reminded of by this.

This is of Langston Hughes, the poet of the Harlem Renaissance. If you look at the white background, you can see a reflection of the current photographer, hoping to learn. (A stunning exhibit on the Harlem Renaissance was at the New York Metropolitan Museum. See my gallery New York, April 2024 for much more.)